Transform Your Speaking Voice with Lynn Singer


10 FREE Voice & Speech Exercises

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Own the power of your authentic voice.  Find out about upcoming sessions, workshops, and other special events!

Private Classes

Voice and Diction: Elevate your voice to new heights with personalized guidance tailored to unlock your vocal potential and refine your diction, ensuring clear and articulate communication in any context. Experience the transformation as your voice resonates with confidence and clarity, commanding attention and leaving a lasting impression.

Healing and Transformation: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate through vocal strains, anxiety, and the fear of public speaking together. Through gentle yet powerful techniques, you'll find solace in your voice, embracing authenticity and confidence to express yourself fully and fearlessly.

Communication Skills: Empower yourself with the art of persuasive communication, honing your voice to captivate audiences and command attention. From boardrooms to stages, unlock the key to impactful leadership and success, as your voice becomes the ultimate tool for influence and connection.

Voicework for Actors: Delve into the nuances of speech clarity and delivery, as we refine your vocal technique to breathe life into every character and script. Unleash the full potential of your voice on stage and screen, captivating audiences with your nuanced performances and compelling storytelling.

6 Weeks Beginner Voice Class: Immerse yourself in a transformative journey of self-discovery and vocal mastery, as we explore the foundations of voice through bioenergetics, body and throat opening, vocal exercises, and speech work. Experience the joy of unlocking your true voice and unleashing its power to inspire and captivate.

3 Months Advanced Class: Building upon the skills acquired in the beginner class, journey deeper into the art of voice and diction, vocal care, bioenergetics, and advanced speech techniques. Elevate your vocal prowess to new heights as you refine your technique and unleash the full potential of your voice.

Richard Burton 3 Secret Tips Workshop: Unlock the secrets of vocal mastery in this immersive two-day workshop inspired by the legendary actor Richard Burton. Discover invaluable techniques and insights that will revolutionize your approach to voice and performance, as you step into the spotlight with confidence and charisma.

Group Classes